What do I do?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I am reading the rest of Debbys blog. I am on 4/21/08.
She has more strength than I do. She has the abilty not to call the center.
I called. I interfered.

My insticts told me that Ryan should not come back to our home. I conveyed that to the insurance company and the facility, when they had said he would be released. I begged them not to release him yet, I told them about the alcohol in our home. They told me they would not release him without an acceptable discharge plan. For him to come to a home with alchohol was not acceptable. They assured me they would get a plan. I got two more weeks, then he came home anyway. I stayed out of it, not even knowing the discharge plan until a week after he got home. I called the facility to find out what the plan was. I rushed Ryan all over town one afternoon trying to get all the appointments in.

I need to let him figure it out. I am pretty distraught, I don't think I can do this. He has never shown to me that he can take care of himself.
Isn't this a mother's job? No, I guess not. I am so torn.

I am going back to read more from Debby


Unknown October 22, 2009 at 3:43 PM  


Your instincts are right on. Ryan cannot be in an environment that makes alcohol easily available to him.

Have you ever heard of Teen Challenge? It is a faith-based rehabilitation program. Here is a link to read about them: http://teenchallengeusa.com/

My son went to the one in Louisiana. They have them all over the United States. Though each state runs their individual TC's according to their own system, is is my understanding that they do not charge like a medical rehab does. The one we used was run on donations. We paid only an intake fee, which was less than $500.

When an individual goes to their program, they must go voluntarily, and TC won't hold them against their will, but if Ryan wants help, it is something to look into.


Bar L. October 22, 2009 at 9:25 PM  

I'll say to you what so many are saying to me: Take care of yourself. I am still learning how to do that. You are on the right track, be easy on yourself ok?

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